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I would die for you

"I would die for you" is something we might hear from a parent, a best friend, or a lover. It seems to be the ultimate way to tell someone "I love you". And while that is a noble thing to say, and I am sure it is coming from a pure place of deep love, whenever I hear that statement I wonder to myself, but would you live for me too?

Can you love me so profoundly that it motivates you to become the fullest version of yourself? Can this love give you the strength to believe so deeply in yourself and the universe that you are willing to try? That you go out into the world and you start that business, you run that marathon, you paint that painting, or you talk to that stranger?

I hope we never get to the point where you could prove that you would die for me but every day can be the day where you live fully. Where you explore your ultimate potential. And there is nothing that would fill my heart more than being a witness to that.


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