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I am not your genie - Your wish is no longer my command

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

Do you remember the genie in Aladin who lives in a magic lamp? Whenever someone rubs the lamp he appears to offer three wishes. In a way, that is how I have lived my life until very recently. Always looking out for the people close to me. Ready to jump to their rescue at any given moment. More than happy to take some load off their shoulders and to put it onto mine. Eager to make their lives a little bit easier and to make sure that all their needs are met. I just forgot something important in that process. I also have needs and they matter too. I took this way too far by almost dissolving. I forgot to have an opinion, to listen to my body and to take care of my own stuff. Instead of being a friend, a daughter, or a partner, I became their genie. It is time to make some changes.

It is time to spend some time with myself to readjust, refocus, and to trace it back to the source. To take a moment to pause and listen. Go inwards and see what is hiding. To just be with me. Some room to wiggle and to mess up, cry, laugh, and create.


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